Jeremiah doesn’t leave his hearers in gloom or doubt but shows them what is hoped for of them: life like a tree that is planted near the streams of living water—Christ.
The February/March 2025 edition of Tangi Lifestyles listed the Best of the Best, including the Church Pastor/Priest category, recognizing our very own Fr. Cayet!
Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Baton Rouge and across the nation celebrated Catholic
Schools Week January 27 - January 31, 2025. This was an occasion to celebrate the gift of education throughout the diocese.
Deacon Andrew Martin del Valle, OP, is a student brother in his final year of studies before ordination to the priesthood. Please pray for him and all our student brothers.
The need for self-restraint and humility are necessary to keep our thoughts and efforts focused on the greater good – loving God – and the needs of our neighbor.
Bishop Michael Duca has designated several pilgrimage sites in our own diocese as places one can visit to obtain a plenary indulgence. Please see the flier in this page.
Perhaps you know a good and virtuous man who would be a good deacon. You might be the person who initiates that thought in his mind. Please send this to any man whom you think should discern this calling.
“Epiphany” is a manifestation, a revelation to those who previously did not know or acknowledged the divinity of Christ.
"Epifanía" es una manifestación, una revelación a quienes antes no conocían ni reconocían la divinidad de Cristo.
I wonder how the Evangelist Luke heard the story from the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Me pregunto cómo la Santísima Virgen María le contó esta historia al Evangelista san Lucas.
In the end, our most sincere longings can only be answered by God. The Virgin Mary responds to the deep desires of our hearts by giving us her son, our Redeemer.
Al final, nuestros anhelos más sinceros sólo pueden ser respondidos por Dios. La Virgen María responde a los deseos profundos de nuestro corazón dándonos a su Hijo, nuestro Redentor.
Juan Diego begged the Mother of God to ask someone else, someone who would more eloquently ask the bishop to build a church in that place in her honor. She chose him because of his faith, not because of his eloquence in speech.